During this time of inflation and high food prices
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Food Program Open Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10 AM -11:30
Message from Rev. Robert Ennis Jackson
So many people in New York are facing the loss of employment and food insecurity due to inflation. Brooklyn Rescue Mission Urban Harvest Center (BRMUHC) and its emergency food program are continuing to feed hungry families who are faced with financial hardships.
On a brighter note, we are also witnessing concerned neighbors donating their time and finances to help hungry families have wholesome meals this holiday season. During this challenging time, I want to outline the steps we are taking to feed as many people as possible and stay safe while serving high volumes of food-insecure families during these hectic times and seasons.
We’re here for our community
- Your money helps us feed people in need!
- We are also doing everything we can to take care of our team and pantry families while maintaining social distancing. We are working to provide the best possible service and safe food distribution to all of our pantry families.
- BRMUHC is continuing to use a simple system called grab-and-go, as a fast and safe way to provide food to the community.
How you can help
Every day, we receive phone calls and visits from individuals and families who are hungry and distressed; they are worried about when the family’s next meals are going to be on the table.
Your contribution will impact many families during this season. A $50, $100, $250 gift or more will help provide hundreds of families an opportunity to eat wholesome meals at their table.